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Slavoljub Radojević FA1 FSS, EFIAP, c*MoL, C IAAP
Slavoljub Radojević (1975) is photographer from Kragujevac, Serbia.
Slavoljub Radojevic holds the title of the FA1 Photo Association of Serbia, the EFIAP title, c*MoL title and Certificate for creative photography from Foton and the Association of Academic Photographers of Serbia.
He is a member of the Photo club Kragujevac, Photo Association of Serbia, as well as several formal and informal communities of photographers. His photographs are being published in printed publications, books, and on media portals.
He is a participant in over 150 photo salons. He has won more than 70 awards at photo competitions of FSS, FIAP and PSA patronage.
Msc Slavoljub Radojević is employed at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Kragujevac, as IT engineer.